Avoiding Plumbing Problems

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Does Your Toilet Have Trouble Handling Your Toddler's Bms? What Can You Do?

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If you’ve found yourself stymied by toddler waste that can’t be flushed, you may wonder whether you have any options (short of a higher-fiber diet) to reduce the amount of toilet plunging you need to do. While you may wonder whether your toddler’s digestive habits are cause for concern, these disproportionately large bowel movements can actually be a sign of a healthy child; unfortunately, they’re not so good for your toilet and plumbing. Read More»

Fixes To 3 Common Plumbing Problems

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Homeowners will eventually run into their fair share of plumbing related problems in their home. Thankfully, some of these problems can be fixed on your own without the need of professional help. Here are 3 plumbing problems that have a simple solution. Clogged Toilets Have you already tried using your plunger to unclog your toilet, but have not had any luck? Try using the plunger again with a better understanding of how it works. Read More»

Two Ways To Unclog Your Toilet

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No matter how good your plumbing is, at some point, you are going to end up with a clogged toilet. It’s just one of those facts of life. Not only will it get clogged, but it will probably happen at 11 pm on a Saturday night. That means that you may want to try to handle it on your own first before you have to call a plumber to come fix the issue. Read More»

Kitchen Remodeling: 3 Costly Plumbing Mistakes To Avoid

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Unless you are doing a minor renovation of your kitchen, the plumbing will undoubtedly be impacted by the remodeling. Changes to the plumbing can prove to be costly if there are mistakes made during the renovation. To help keep your remodeling on track, here are some plumbing mistakes you need to watch for. Waiting to Select a Sink The sink might not seem like such an important part of the project, but it can have a bearing on other components in the kitchen. Read More»

Ruptured Pipes In Summer? Three Reasons Why This Can Happen

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Most people understand that extreme cold can cause the water in their pipes to freeze, thereby rupturing the pipes. The mess and the plumbing repair services needed to correct this kind of damage is extensive (and often expensive!). Yet, you rarely hear about pipes rupturing in summer. It does happen, and here is why: The Pipes Are REALLY Old Pipes are not meant to last forever. If your home or building is really old, and the pipes are nearly as old as the structure itself, the pipes will eventually weaken and burst. Read More»